Best treatment for acne

Acne treatment

 Suffering from acne can have a great impact on the confidence of a person in himself. Acne not only suffers from teenagers who are going through puberty, but is also common in most people at some point in their lives.

Many skin problems are related to the external environment, but in the case of acne it can also be the effect of hormones or excess fat.

Today there are many treatments to combat acne, both pharmaceutical and aesthetic. In this article we will inform you everything about acne and what are the best treatments to combat them.

Most people affected by acne have spots, fat and redness, especially in the skin of the face. However, some of those affected also have acne in the back, and up to 15% of people have acne in their chest.

What is acne?

Acne is a skin condition and in most cases, it consists of a combination of black points, white points and small red protuberances called papules, or white spots called pustules. Some people also experience large hard packages called nodules, as well as cysts that have the appearance of packages, which are the most likely to cause acne scars.

Teenagers are the group of the population most affected by this disease, although there are also people suffering from acne in adulthood.

Which are the causes of acne?

For the most part, acne is caused by changes in hormonal levels during puberty, menstrual cycle and pregnancy. During these periods, our body can produce greater amounts of fat than usual, which causes the obstruction of pores and inflammation, which in turn can be infected.

Any other situation that may cause the obstruction of pores, such as heavy makeup, sweat or tight clothing, can also aggravate the situation. Likewise, touching the skin with your hands, rummaging or tightening grains can spread germs along the face and increase inflammation.

Other causes that can generate acne and/or worsen it include:

Air pollution and certain climatic conditions, especially high humidity.

Stress, which increases cortisol hormone and can also cause an acne outbreak.

Some medications.

The genetic.

What are the types of acne?

Acne treatment

This condition can be presented in several ways. Among them are:

Black spots

They are packages that remain closed by fat and dead skin.


They are small red or pink protuberances that become inflamed.


These are grains containing pus, which look like white points surrounded by red rings. These can cause scars if manipulated or scratched.

Fungal acne

This type of acne occurs when an excessive yeast develops in the hair follicles. Fungal acne can cause itching and inflammation.


They are presented in the form of solid grains found in the depth of the skin. They are great and painful.


This guy are grains full of pus and can leave scars.

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Tips for preventing acne

While you strive to combat acne following a good skin care regime, using gels and creams for acne without a medical recipe, and yet those grains fix them to appear in some way, you may want to take a look at Your lifestyle and your daily habits.

You will surprise you to know that some simple things you do daily may be worsening your acne. If you want to clarify your skin and say goodbye to the outbreaks, follow these simple tips:

  • Wash your face correctly.
  • Choose the products for the right acne for your skin type.

  • Use anti acne makeup.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Keep your skin hydrated.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Wash the pillow cover regularly.
  • Avoid exposing yourself to the sun.
  • Follow a healthy skin diet.
  • Try to keep your mobile phone away from your face.

Aesthetic treatments to combat acne

Acne usually improves over a couple of years if it is treated with adequate products and treatments, so the first thing you should do is seek help from a professional to help you suppress inflammation until acne disappears in a way natural.

The treatment to combat acne may consist of lotions or pills. However, very serious acne, with scars or long -lasting requires a stronger treatment that treats it from the root.

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